Thursday, October 31, 2019
The impact of Information Technology on a career Term Paper
The impact of Information Technology on a career - Term Paper Example I also propose that all companies should raise awareness of how information technology in HRM is needed in order to remain competitive. I first examine the current state of how IT is applied in HRM today. HRM today is becoming more influenced by Information Technology, but some companies are still using IT to cover older HR functions that have been in place for many years, and have not made use of best practices by fully utilizing IT. In the article ââ¬Å"An Exploratory Analysis of E-HRM in the Context of HRM Transformationâ⬠, the author mentions how the focus for use and investment in IT with HRM has been for a limited number of functions such as basic database and spreadsheet uses, payroll, or other standard administrative functions but overlook better uses of IT such as using technology for corporate strategy (Foster, 3). As mentioned in a publication by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, some traditional ways of measuring employees by HR will always be needed despite the IT system involved, as in the case of personnel performance reviews. Yet, it is shown that the strategies of employee performance do not always match with departmental goals. This is an area that could be corrected through the use of IT. The article mentions that HR does not normally compile hard statistics or data to prove departmental successes, and hence there may be a lack of clear and documented evidence the benefits that IT provides. Also, HRMââ¬â¢s concentration on internal operations can have limiting effects in the way that senior management decides to use scarce IT investments (U.S. Office of Personnel Management, p. 22). In the article ââ¬Å"The Future of Human Resourcesâ⬠, the authors outline how some companies are still in a traditional viewpoint with the role of Human Resources. Several key items mentioned are that the HR department is associated with processing activities (Dattner and Rothenberg, p.5). This would primarily include
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Financial Management - Ratios comparision Essay
Financial Management - Ratios comparision - Essay Example This ratio indicates the financial structure of the enterprise. In other words the ratio is a barometer to reveal how the assets of the enterprise have been financed. Total Owings (Debts) include long-term debts and current liabilities, whereas Total Assets consists of both fixed and current assets. The ratio measures the total assets financed by outside debts. In 2006 47.54% of total assets of Bloodstone Ltd. Were financed through total owings, both long term as well current liabilities; where as in 2007 dependency on owings for assets financing has marginally gone up to 48.38%. The situation of Blooodstone little better than Garnet Plc., half of whose assets are financed through owings The ratio measures the incremental sales over previous year sales. The formula is to divide the absolute increased value of sales by total sales of the previous year and express the increment as percentage over previous yearââ¬â¢s sales. Blood Stone Ltd. has attained a 15% growth in sales in the year 2006 over the sales of 2005. On the other hand such growth is only 8% for Garnet Plc. Even assuming both the companies in the same industry there may be a variety of reasons for such increased growth for Blood Stone Ltd., like: a) Increased value of fixed assets in the year 2006 as compared to 2005 suggests the new fixed assets have been manage effectively in the contribution of growth in sales. There may have been increase in sale outlets and in areas where there is no or negligible competition. b) Debtors have gone down to â⠤1050 in 2006 as compared to â⠤1,100 in 2005. This implies that the emphasis was on cash sales either by reducing the sales prices per unit or by providing cash discounts. There is also a possibility that certain incentive plans might have been introduced or there was better credit control. Bloodstone Ltd.ââ¬â¢s PBIT ratio has remained more or less constant during 2005 and 2006. In 2006 it was 4.67% as compared to 4.5% in 2005.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
To improve a manual system
To improve a manual system Introduction Our project is to improve a manual system to an automated system, so we selected a local bookshop which had limited number of functions so its going to be easier for our project. The scope of the project is to analyze the need for a bookshop system, and to find advantages to formulate an effective computerized bookshop system that will eliminate the existing problems. In this process of analyzing, information were obtained from the staff as well as the customers Proposed system is expected to have simplified Bookshop system that will eliminate the difficulties and disadvantages of not having a system. The system is also expected to satisfy both the customers as well as the staff members in having efficient and effective Bookshop System. Systems Request Summery The Manager of the Book Shop requested us to design and implement an automated IT system to replace their current manual system. He wanted a very effective and efficient system which they expect more profits from this investment to the IT system. He wanted a system which is really user friendly because he didnt want the staff members to be unhappy with working in the new system. Findings As we visited the Book Shop and spoke with the staff members and the customers we found out the followings as main points for the design and what they expect us to do; Most of the staff members had a normal knowledge of computing. Staff has a fear that they might not be combatable with the new IT system. Customers have to wait long to search for books and billing. Recommendations We recommend the shop to have a complex system which will cover all the areas but the simple user interface so that any user can use the system easily. Use barcode system for the book. There for the customers wating time can be reduse. Keep a backup data of the users daily. In case of some thing happen to the system. Use camers in side the library. If some users doing damages to propety esily can identified. Create a Computer area for the users. To acess to the internet and to search the books. Time and Cost Estimation As we estimated the total program will take around 75 days to be developed. We are planning to finish the project within 72 days, but we kept 5 days extra incase of emergency. As the book shop isnt a company which is not gaining huge profits they wanted us to stick to a smaller budget. After our main analysis we decided to complete the project for 385,000 LKR. Expected outcomes By using automated system we hope to overcome these disadvantages of the manual system. In manual system all the things in the system have to do manually. So it causes to make lot of mistakes. Then using automated system we cam over come these things. Using automated system make this advantages to the system. Can keep full information about whole sellers who providing books and stationery items. In the manual system we have to keep information about whole sellers in books or some times that are not wrote some where and keep that in mind of the owner/manager. Then they forget or loosing papers, however they lost information about whole sale vendors. And other thing is all the vendors are not giving items at same prize. Some are cheaper than others. So buying cheep items can make more profit. With large number of whole sale vendors, it hard to compare and choose vendor to buy items for sale. In automated system it is easy because all the information of whole sale vendors is in one place and analyst it briefly. Not only the price but also we have to care about quality of items. Other wise if our customers not satisfy with goods our sales will do down. So we have to care about quality also. In this system can keep history of whole sale vendors can we can build confidence about goods they give to us. And if we have recode of who is the vendor provide each item if we feel something wrong while selling that we can change or complain about that. From that we can keep confidence between us and costumers. Can keep information about stock. When selling items it must to have enough stocks. If it doesnt has cant continuing selling process. And if doesnt have the item what customer want confidence between customer and shop will break. Then keeping stock details are the best way to avoid these disadvantages. And currently they are replacing lot of items once at a month. Then some are finished sooner some are not finish in that month, so that method is not very good. And it need more space for stock. By using a automated system it is easy to keep stock details. Manager can see easily what item is getting finish and he can replace it. Then space needed will be less. Keeping stock space less will allow the manager to add more stock when he needs according to the type of goods. Can keep reservations. If customer needs to reserve book it can reserve on the system then it can keep on stork till customer buy it. It helps to enhance confident of the customer. On the system it is vary easy to do it. Can keep information about customers. Customers are the main thin. Then keeping customers information is vary important. In manual system doesnt have method to keep customers information. When give special gift or discount to customers it is vary use full. Help to observe sales. Observing sales is useful to control businesses. Like controlling stocks, getting people to work, investing more for each item etc.
Friday, October 25, 2019
College Admissions Essay: Aunt Joan and Yoga :: College Admissions Essays
Aunt Joan and Yoga Up until about 40 years ago, yoga was practically unknown to most Americans. When it was introduced to the United States in the '60s, people believed in the incorrect stereotype that it was done only by "hippies," "flower children," and "druggies." Today the term "yoga" is more widely known, now that it is becoming trendier. Yoga is a discipline with a scientific background that was developed over 2000 years ago. In this system of self-development the restless mind is calmed and energy is placed into constructive channels. It is not a religion as some people may be led to believe. It is a philosophy of life. The lessons learned are just as relevant today as they were when they were first created, still keeping the main principle that before you can train your mind to reach a higher consciousness you must first discipline your body. Yoga's popularity is largely due to its wide range of benefits, including therapeutic effects, muscle toning, energy increasing and concentration of the mind. It is also in question as to whether yoga should be considered an art form. My aunt, Joan Brown, is a hatha yoga instructor and is of the opinion that her profession is related to dance. She considers yoga and dance to be part of a natural partnership, both being creative, using fluid movements, stretching, and flexing. Correct breathing is also necessary to be successful in both dance and yoga. Many yoga instructors are known to have some dance training as well. There is also a best-selling video that The New York City Ballet Co. has created which combines dance steps and yoga postures. Joan grew up on the northwest side of Chicago and began studying hatha yoga in the early '70s and has continued to do so ever since. She studied the science and philosophy of yoga at the Himalayan Institute for about 12 years and then later at the Temple of Kriya Yoga for approximately 11 years. Joan feels fortunate that she got started on this path at the right time because she had the opportunity to study under the great teachers that had come from India. For her to become an instructor of yoga, a bachelor degree in the arts wasn't needed, but specific studies were. She completed her certification Level 1 and Level 2 at the Temple of Kriya Yoga.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Coffee and Starbucks Corporation Essay
Acknowledgements: First and foremost, we would like to express our gratitude to our faculty Ms. Nusrat Huq for her constant support and motivation, and we would also like to thank her for assigning a topic to our group that has been quite interesting to work with. We are immensely grateful to our friends and AIUB alumni who have been kind enough to share their knowledge with us. Last but not the least, our sincere gratitude goes to our respected families for their guidance and contribution in all aspects of our lives. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Among many other global coffee shops, Starbucks is the most popular. This article discusses the companyââ¬â¢s internal and external environments, its corporate strategies, organization structures, how they can improve their quality, and where there is room for success.In 1971, three young entrepreneurs began the Starbucks Corporation in Seattle Washington. Their key goal was to sell whole coffee beans. Soon after, Starbucks began experiencing huge growth, opening five stores all of which had roasting facilities, sold coffee beans and room for local restaurants. In 1987, Howard Schultz bought Starbucks from its original owners for $4 million after expanding Starbucks by opening three coffee bars. These coffee bars were based on an idea that was originally proposed to the owner who recruited him into the corporation as manager of retail and marketing. Overall, Schultz strategy for Starbucks was to grow slow. Starbucks went on to suffer financial losses and overhead operating expenses rose as Starbucks continued its slow expansion process. Despite the initial financial troubles, Starbucks went on to expand to 870 stores by 1996. Sales increased 84%, which brought the corporation out of debt. With the growing success, Starbucks planned to open 2000 stores by year 2000.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
English Spoken Language Essay
In television and radio the interview techniques are very different. Graham Norton does both, in both situations we do see Norton adapting himself. He interviews Jedward in the television interview and Benedict Cumberbatch in the radio interview. They are many differences the obvious one is that one is in a television studio and the other in a radio set; another difference is the audiences that would watch them. The television situation is broadcasted on a Friday night at 10.30pm so the audience would be teenagers and young adults, which is a contrast to the audience that would listen to the radio interview, (which is broadcasted on Saturday morning around 10am) who would be middle aged and certainly older than the people watching the Jedward interview. Also as well as the audience watching on television in the Jedward interview, there is also a live audience in the studio which would give Norton a direct response and gives him people to address. In the radio interview Norton doesnââ¬â¢t have a live audience so he doesnââ¬â¢t get a direct response so thatââ¬â¢s why I think heââ¬â¢s calmer and more relaxed. In both interviews I think that Norton doesnââ¬â¢t allow time for the interviewees to talk and this may come across that heââ¬â¢s rushing and is not thinking. In the television situation Norton interrupts Jedward so that the audiences laugh which I guess is what he is meant to do but after a while Jedward give up and just let him interrupt him. An example of when he interrupts in the radio interview when: ââ¬ËCumberbatch: Danny was veryâ⬠¦.ââ¬â¢ ââ¬ËNorton: is this Danny Boyle?ââ¬â¢ Also Norton continues that part of the interview to talk about himself, which I donââ¬â¢t think is keeping a very good rapport with Cumberbacth. After a while Cumberbatch in my opinion gives up and starts to ask Norton questions about his career; ââ¬ËWhy did you give up?ââ¬â¢ this is another example of Norton not really keeping a rapport with the interviewee. The television interview with Jedward in my opinion is much less formal and Norton behaves in a more spontaneous and lively way where as in the radio interview itââ¬â¢s formal and much more serious. I think that Norton in away talks down to Jeward and makes fun of them and has a patronising attitude towards them. In the radio interview Norton has much more respect for Cumberbatch and talk to him on a more level basis. The way Norton began his interview with Jedward ââ¬ËNow, anywayââ¬â¢ this I would say is less formal than the way Norton began his interview with Cumberbatch. In a way this is effective as this makes the interviewee feel more relaxed, this also shows how Norton is adapting himself in both situations. In the interviews I think that Norton adapts himself, in terms of his tone and pitch of his voice. In the Jedward interview his tone, is relaxed, funny and his pitch is much higher than in the Cumberbatch interview. I personally think that Norton has to change himself to fit in with Cumberbatch, as his voice is much more formal. When addressing the audience in the Jedward interview, Nortonââ¬â¢s pitch of voice changes depending on whether he is asking a question or stating something, this shows that Norton keeps a rapport with the audience and the interviewee. An example of this is when Norton says ââ¬Ëitââ¬â¢s not often that gets a laughââ¬â¢ this is aimed at the audience and is in away make fun of Jedward. In the television interview we see that Norton has cards but at some point he puts them down, this makes us think that he is making some of it up and makes he seem more spontaneous. Obviously we canââ¬â¢t see what is going on in the radio interview but, I think that Nortonââ¬â¢s speech is more fluent compared to the television interview. I think that Norton doesnââ¬â¢t really follow the cards in the television interview as he keeps interrupting Jedward which I assume is not on the cards. I do think that both interviews are set out correctly and follow a logical sequence of points. I also think that in the radio interview Norton speaks more articulately than in the television interview where he seems to talk in a more rushed lively way. Nortonââ¬â¢s sentences in the radio interview are more coherent and there are fewer hesitations than in the television interview, but a reason for this could be that there canââ¬â¢t really be any silences in a radio interview. The layout of the two interviews are virtual the same, Norton introduces them, he asks the a few questions, Norton comments and they end the interview. I do think that Norton is too focused on getting laughs from the audience that it brings the attention away from the interviewee, which is a bad technique from Norton. Unlike the television interview Norton doesnââ¬â¢t have a live audience so his much more focused on the interview and sustains a better rapport with Cumberbatch than with Jedward. With both audiences to build a rapport with the audience, Norton makes jokes and heââ¬â¢s very sarcastic especially towards Jedward, ââ¬ËCan you go to a cashpoint and get money out?ââ¬â¢ this is making a joke and when he says this he looks to the audience to get a laugh. Also we see that in the television interview that Norton in a way is encouraged by the audience to keep making funny comments so that the audience is more concentrated on him rather than the interviewee, this is a bad technique from Norton has its more feeding his ego and sustain a better rapport with the audience rather than the interviewee. Obviously we canââ¬â¢t see Nortonââ¬â¢s body language in the radio interview but in the television one we see that his body language does co-ordinate with the situation he is in. After Norton says ââ¬Ëitââ¬â¢s not often that gets a big cheerââ¬â¢ the audience immediately laugh which in a way jeers Norton on and so he continues to look at the audience instead of Jedward. I think at some points Norton looks too much at the camera and audience and this slightly decreases the rapport with Jedward, but on the other hand heââ¬â¢s sustains a rapport with the audience. He uses hand gestures which exaggerates what he is saying, but I think personally heââ¬â¢s posture is too laid back and gives an informal look. In both interviews there would be two different audiences so the reaction and how Norton tries to sustain a rapport with them would be different. In the radio interview, Norton interacts with the audience with the tone and pitch of his voice, whereas in the television interview Norton uses gestures and looks straight at the audience to get an immediate reaction. Also his volume of his voice is more prominent, in the radio interview so the audience has a connection with Norton. In the radio interview Nortonââ¬â¢s language is more formal whereas in the television one itââ¬â¢s much more relaxed and Standard English so this shows that Norton does adapt himself to both situations, which is a good technique made by Norton. So, overall I think that Norton is good at adapting himself to both interviews; I do think that in the radio interview that Norton is better suited to the television interview when itââ¬â¢s a bit more relaxed and informal, because this suits Nortonââ¬â¢s personality better. Norton does have a few bad techniques which include interrupting and looking at the audience too much, but he has many good techniques. Although in both interviews he uses good techniques which sustain a rapport with both the audience and the interviewees.
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